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Meet the Company: Ridgeline International
Ridgeline International
8255 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
Tysons Corner, VA 22102
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Meet The Company

Ridgeline International is proud to host an event with Woman in Technology!

You may or may not be aware that you're leaking data everywhere, every move you make, every step you take, every breath you take. And IF someone is watching you, there's a LOT they can do with that info. Digital Signature Management is an approach that shifts how we behave and use technology to keep our data more secure. With Digital Signature Management, you can keep your competitive edge by understanding what you look like in the data, stopping the leaks, and controlling the story your data tells. 

What does Ridgeline International do? Ridgeline helps our clients understand that technology involves a tradeoff between privacy and convenience. We take a comprehensive approach to Digital Signature Management that’s been developed through hands-on work and close partnerships with our clients. This began with our work with the Federal Government and has expanded into industries across the business world. It’s not just cybersecurity, data analysis, or tech integration; Digital Signature Management combines all those things and more. We provide consulting services, training, and software solutions to help you do business according to your needs.

Our Meet the Company event will include interactive networking involving a technology demo, refreshments, and a good time!

We’ll share brief presentations on the following topics: (These topics are applicable to everyone)

  1. Digital Signature Management 101 – how to keep your data safe?
  2. Mapping the Digital Terrain

We hope to see you there!

This event is FREE to WIT Members and Non-members!

Online Registration Has Closed, Walk-Ins Welcome.