Arena Stage 1101 6th St SW Washington, DC 20024 USA (202) 488-3300
Thursday, December 07, 2017, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Category: STEM for Her
![]() Don't miss the opportunity to meet some of the young women who have benefited from STEM-related programs. And join us in saying thank you to our sponsors and volunteers who have made WIT and STEM for Her programs successful throughout the year. Get a jump on your holiday shopping with the STEM for Her Silent Auction offering prizes for all ages and price points, including restaurant experiences, DC sports tickets, jewelry, custom art and much, much more. All proceeds from the event go to STEM for Her 501(c)(3), which promotes education to create awareness, excitement, and opportunities among girls and young women to pursue successful careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. ![]() Dress: Business/Cocktail Registration Fees
Pr-registration for this event has closed. Walk Ins are Welcome.
Contact: [email protected] |