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Accelerate(her) presents: Unconscious Biases Fuel Microaggressions
Thursday, February 01, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Category: Accelerate(her)

Microaggressions are brief proclamations or activities that convey a negative message about a non-dominant group. In contrast to out-and-out sexism, ableism or other "isms" microaggressions are not intended to be hostile. .

Microaggressions in professional environments occur every day and involve individuals from marginalized underrepresented backgrounds. This interactive session will focus on common microaggressions that community members from a wide range of marginalized backgrounds experience


  1. Understand intent vs impact.
  2. Identify strategies to disrupt microaggressions caused by others as well as those (inevitably) caused by ourselves.
  3. Ability to explain how to respond when committing unintended microaggressions.

Registration Fees

FREE for WIT Members
$25 for Non-members

WIT Members can access this Event Recording from the Member Portal


Dr. Zakiya Mabery

Dr. Zakiya Mabery, is an author, international speaker, independent consultant who helps businesses, colleges, universities, and communities design programs that address mental health, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in addition to social justice issues. Her expert opinion is frequently sought after by the media, federal government, the United States military, and professional organizations. Dr. Mabery is well-known for initiative programs which address issues of mental health, overcoming adversity, disability inclusion, bias, inclusive leadership, intersectionality, and bystander intervention.